
Jerry Labriola
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Jerry's books, reviews and his stories. Check the dates
for upcoming lectures and signings.
Murders at Brent Institute
- to be released in early September, 2002.
Against a backdrop of genetic engineering, cloning and
the threat of bioterrorism, a key scientist is
murdered, and the stage is set for a terrifying story
of mystery and international intrigue. |
Murders at Hollings General
Mercedes convertible . . . scarf stiff in the
breeze . . . semiautomatic Beretta Minx .22 in his
shoulder rig . . . attach� case named Friday at his
side. Meet Dr. David Brooks, an engaging if somewhat
quirky physician/amateur sleuth who encounters more
than he had bargained for. What are the secrets of
Istanbul? Of Cartagena? What is the connection to the
Far East? And the the daggers of the samurai? Will
David live to find out? |
Famous Crimes Revisited:
A fascinating look at criminal investigations and the new technologies, by Dr. Henry Lee and Jerry
Labriola, M.D.
Through a discussion of seven major crimes of the past
century--Sacco-Vanzetti, Lindbergh, JFK, Sam Sheppard,
Vincent Foster, JonBenet Ramsey, and O.J. Simpson--see
how (a) The same forensic errors of the 1920's are
still being made today. (b) Human error and/or
misconduct can tarnish criminal investigations. (c)
Public opinion can influence the outcome of criminal
cases. (d) Modern technology might have helped solve
past cases. |