
Jerry Labriola, M.D.
Publisher: Strong Books
Copyright: 2015
Price: $24.95
Finished size:
5 � x 8 �
Total Pages: 319
Library of Congress Catalog Number: 2014908752
Available in August 2014 - Amazon
- Kindle
Global Shadows
A novel
by Jerry Labriola, M.D.
Just out. Order now at Amazon,
also for Kindle.
Book Description:
Global Shadows focuses on the plight of Paul D�Arneau, an internationally known treasure hunter and former Yale professor who was dismissed from its faculty because of his interest in mythology.
He is retained by Gens de V�rit�, an influential Parisian organization, to investigate the theft of a cabinet containing stem cell research papers, but quickly becomes embroiled in skirmishes he had never anticipated. Nor could he back away.
The story line leads to Germany and its interest in creating a master race for all mankind versus Japan and its interest in ending the world entirely.
Paul and his live-in girl friend, Sylvie Ranet, travel the limits of the globe�France, Argentina, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Japan, St. Helena and central Africa�and must confront numerous and sudden developments. They include murders, prostitutes, and the intrigue of tropical rain forests, savannas and deserts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Even the legacy of Eva Per�n is examined.
It is an unforgettable mystery that will shape a reader�s interest in a tightening and relentless fashion.
For new readers, Jerry's favorite Murders at Hollings General
is a terrific novel to become familiar with 'the cast of
characters'. This is available as an eBook
for Kindle and at Amazon
in it's original hard cover form.
Watch for details on this new upcoming novel. Information will be
leaked through Twitter.