
Jerry Labriola, M.D.
Publisher: Strong Books
Copyright: 2020
Price: $35.95
Finished size:
5 � x 8 �
Total Pages: 336
Library of Congress Catalog Number: 2017961715
Available Feb 18
- Amazon
Threats and Challenges
A novel
by Jerry Labriola, M.D.
Just out. Order now at Amazon
and Barnes
and Noble
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ISBN 978-1-928782-98-8
Book Description:
International criminal investigator Rick Chandler agrees to
take on an assignment many others have turned down. Thus begins
a three week period filled with surprises, many of which are
life threatening.
From an encounter with Count Dracula in Transylvania to Rick's
dealings with Nazi plunderers, cybercrime and both good and bad
Mafia kinship groups, he becomes embroiled in a world of
survival. During it all, he endures many distractions including
Dracula's pursuit of Slobodan Milosevic, the ""Butcher
of the Balkans"". It is the Count's intention of
biting him into a vampire.
Only a diversion of handling security issues at Hollings General
Hospital helps in preserving Rick's sanity. But in the long run,
they become issues which also loom more than challenging.
Compelling and quick paced, it is an altogether captivating
reading experience.
Watch for details on this new upcoming novel. Information will be
leaked through Twitter.