
Jerry Labriola, M.D.
Publisher: Strong Books
Copyright: 2017
Price: $24.95
Finished size:
5 � x 8 �
Total Pages: 336
Library of Congress Catalog Number: 2016952318
Available in Dec 2017 - Amazon
- Kindle
The Blue Baron
A novel
by Jerry Labriola, M.D.
Just out. Order now at Amazon,
also for Kindle.
Book Description:
Dr. Paul D'Ameau's career and life are on the line in this chilling mystery novel. Hired by Gens de V�rit�, an ancient French organization to track down the murderer of six people and to locate the stolen Blue Baron diamond, Paul finds himself embroiled in situations with hardly a chance of turning back. Yet, renowned for his expertise in forensics and esteemed for his rectitude in the mysterious world that trades in international artifacts, Paul seizes Verite offer as an opportunity to broaden his career as well as earn a seven-figure compensation.
The diamond is believed to be cursed, because anyone who publicly announces he or she wants to purchase it and mentions Napoleon Bonaparte in the same breath is found murdered.
Paul's dangerous exploits take place in France, Holland, The Hague, Belgium, Angola, Sierra Leone, Bosnia, Buenos Aires and Gibraltar. Exhausted and burned out, he finds distraction, comfort and relaxation in lecturing and does so, on two occasions.
The story's climax is as surprising as anybody can handle without skipping a heartbeat.
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